Professionals Embrace ChatGPT Across Diverse Fields

Most Americans casually explore ChatGPT, but a subset is leveraging this generative AI technology to enhance work productivity. Professionals across various fields, such as real estate, law, education, design, and marketing, have experimented with integrating ChatGPT into their work routines since its public release in November.

As familiarity with AI grows, and businesses consider formal adoption, these technologies may become more commonplace in workplaces. The typical American utilizing ChatGPT at work is likely to be a college-educated millennial, often employing the chatbot for writing tasks, often discreetly.

Survey data indicates that awareness of ChatGPT is higher among men, Asians, individuals with higher incomes, and those with postgraduate degrees. While younger individuals initially led in using ChatGPT for work tasks, the usage has become more balanced across age groups over time.


Regarding functionality, ChatGPT aids workers in writing tasks, showing notable efficiency and output quality improvements. Professionals, such as realtors and marketers, integrate ChatGPT into their daily routines for tasks like drafting marketing copy, real estate listings, and social media content.

Interestingly, a significant portion of ChatGPT users keep their usage confidential. Surveys indicate that 68% of workers who use AI tools do not disclose this to their employers. Despite this, a notable percentage of workers claim regular use of ChatGPT at work, even though explicit employer permission is less common.

Companies are still in the experimental phase with generative AI technologies, with many yet to establish comprehensive policies. Deloitte’s survey of chief financial officers indicates that a substantial portion of companies are still experimenting with these technologies.

Worker concerns about job security due to technology have increased, particularly among college graduates. Even if not anticipating complete job displacement by ChatGPT, users express worries about its potential long-term impact on their professions. Goldman Sachs warns of “significant disruption” in the labour market, potentially automating numerous white-collar jobs.

Many employees globally express concerns about their need for more knowledge of AI. While AI adoption may enhance productivity for some, others may face increased competition, lower wages, or potential job replacement. The impact of the AI boom on the workforce appears multifaceted.


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