Italy wants to get two-thirds of its power from clean sources by 2030.

The energy ministry said on Friday that Italy wants to get nearly two-thirds of its power from renewable sources by the end of the decade; this is a slight improvement on goals made public three years ago.

In a new version of Italy’s energy and climate plan, the ministry said the country’s goal was to get 65% of its power from renewable sources by 2030, up from 55%.

By the end of the decade, renewables are expected to cover 40% of gross energy use in all areas, such as power production, housing, and transportation, compared to 30% in the old plan.

The government said that 37% of the energy used for heating and air conditioning and 31% for transportation should come from renewable sources.

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It hopes that by 2030, carbon-free hydrogen will be able to meet 42% of the needs of industry.

The European Commission asked each member state to present a revised strategy for 2030 that fits with the Fit-for-55 and REPowerEU energy packages, which were announced in the last two years and include binding goals on the energy transition to fighting climate change.

Italy has sent the European Commission its updated plan. The European Commission has until June 2024 to review and approve it.

The energy ministry released only some of the national climate and energy plan and did not say in its statement how much its strategy would cut carbon emissions by 2030.

The statement also could have said how the government plans to speed up the installation of renewable energy to hit the plan’s goals.


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