Future artificial intelligence robot and cyborg

The question of whether robots can truly feel emotions remains a subject of philosophical debate. However, the influence of robots on human emotions and behaviours is becoming increasingly evident, as highlighted by Associate Professor Szu-chi Huang. Her recent research offers a fascinating look into how robots, despite their lack of genuine feelings, can profoundly affect human social behaviour.

Robots and Human Emotions: A Complex Interplay

In the latest episode of “If/Then: Business, Leadership, and Society,” Professor Huang explores the nuanced relationship between humans and robots. Her findings suggest that while robots themselves may not possess emotions, they are capable of eliciting strong emotional responses in humans, which in turn influences human behaviour.

Huang’s research delves into the concept of “pro-social” behaviour—the tendency for individuals to act in ways that benefit others. She explores the impact of this behaviour when a robot, instead of a human, serves as the source of inspiration.

The Study: Human vs. Robot Heroes

Huang designed a study to explore this dynamic, exposing participants to news reports about natural disasters and their response efforts. In these reports, the rescuers were either human first responders or robots performing identical tasks, such as rescuing survivors from earthquake debris or disinfecting hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We detailed the core actions of the heroes in both scenarios, with the only variable being the hero’s nature—human or robot. We asked participants to engage in pro-social behaviours, such as donating to support children in need, after this exposure.


Findings: Robots as Less Inspiring Heroes

The study’s findings were telling. Participants who viewed robots performing heroic actions were significantly less likely to donate compared to those who saw human heroes. “The robot stories actually make people feel less inspired,” says Huang. This lack of inspiration has crucial implications, as it suggests that the increasing presence of robots in disaster response roles could potentially diminish human willingness to engage in charitable acts.

The Broader Implications: Navigating the Future with Robots

As artificial intelligence and robots become more integrated into various aspects of life, Huang’s research raises important questions about how society can harness the benefits of these technologies without eroding human empathy and pro-social behaviour. Perceiving robots as mere efficient machines may prevent them from evoking the same emotional responses as human actions.

Humanizing Robots: A Possible Solution

Huang suggests humanising robots as a potential solution. People might relate to robots more positively by endowing them with characteristics that make them appear more human-like—such as giving them names and personalities or highlighting their vulnerabilities. For instance, emphasising that a robot can “die” or be damaged in the line of duty can make their actions seem more noble and inspiring.

The Role of Storytelling and Design

The entertainment industry, particularly Hollywood, has long understood the power of humanising robots. Movies like “WALL-E” and “Terminator 2” have successfully created robots with distinct personalities and emotional arcs, eliciting strong empathetic responses from audiences. Real-world contexts could apply this narrative technique to make robots more relatable and inspiring.

Balancing Efficiency with Empathy

Huang’s research underscores the importance of maintaining a balance between the efficiency that robots bring and the human empathy that drives pro-social behaviour. As robots continue to take on more roles in society, especially in high-stakes scenarios like disaster response, it’s crucial to ensure that their presence enhances rather than diminishes human willingness to help others.

By thoughtfully designing and portraying robots in ways that highlight their human-like qualities, society can potentiallyfoster a more empathetic and collaborative relationship between humans and machines. This approach not only leverages the strengths of robotic technology but also preserves the essential human values of empathy and altruism.


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